Build Your Own
Virtual Academy
Get your virtual academy up and running with your purposeful transformational programs in this 12 wk accelerator program.
Are you...
This bootcamp is designed for you!
"To build or not to build?"
The sooner you build, the sooner you'll benefit!
The sooner you build, the sooner you'll benefit!
Build a Brand with Greater Purpose
Ask any teacher what they love about their job and they'll tell you, it's watching their students grow. it's touching their lives! That's the power of doing transformational work. Imagine a year from now, dozens of clients appreciating you for what you were able to share with them. How your programs improved their lives! What will this translate to? More than just a profit...a brand built on purpose!
Claim Your Unique Value+Add (UV+A)
With thousands of virtual courses being designed and offered every week, do you know what will make yours unique? It's the wisdom you've gained from your life experiences, which is a reflection of what you value.
These are your unique gifts! When you share what you know drawing upon your values, you build immediate resonance with your audience and transfer this Value+Add to your clients.
These are your unique gifts! When you share what you know drawing upon your values, you build immediate resonance with your audience and transfer this Value+Add to your clients.
Design Your MVP & Flagship Program
Do you struggle with how to organize your content? Or what to offer? You're not alone. Rather than try to boil the ocean in 12 weeks, this program will help you learn how to scale your content starting with your minimum viable product (MVP)- the one that will get folks ready and eager to work with you - and your flagship program. From there, you'll learn how to create a scalable agile business plan.
Connect & Collaborate in a New Digital World
Let's face it, 2020 was a tough year. But we learned something VITALLY important through it. To create a new world that supports our collective humanity, we need to connect and collaborate with others - digitally. Research repeatedly shows that adult-learners are now relying on this new connection. We've moved this needle.
It's time for you to play your record in this new space!
It's time for you to play your record in this new space!
Gain Greater Freedom "WFH" or Wherever!
Everyone is touting the benefits of working-from-home (WFH). Without doubt, it has its perks. But the real joy isn't sitting behind the desk in your pjs, now, is it? NO! The real joy comes from knowing you can take your edu-prenuerial business anywhere in the world with just an internet connection! Why not gain the freedom of serving others looking to learn from you while someone is serving you a lemonade on a veranda overlooking the ocean!?
Plus a few other things you can share with that inner critic!
"I'm a great coach/consultant, but I don't know how to be an edupreneur."
If you've already been putting yourself out there as a coach and/or consultant inspiring change in others' lives or how well an organization performs, you've got what it takes to also be an edupreneur. You've already been educating, inspiring, informing others. All skills are transferable. In this bootcamp, you'll discover how to run with what you know and how to get help where you don't producing new digital solutions. You'll learn how to tap your wisdom in new ways to reach new audiences.
"Others are already doing this better or longer than I have."
I love this one! You're right. Others are out there. Perhaps doing exactly what you hope, wish and want to be doing in this digital space. GREAT news! You know what that tells us? Customers and audiences are seeking the solutions you have to offer. Here's what's also true. NO ONE has your spin, your unique wisdom, your insights. The great Sufi Master Rumi said it best, "What you seek, is seeking you." The bigger question is this: Are you ready to trust this and yourself? How better to help answer this question than with a group of peers and a coach eager to see you succeed.
"I'm so overwhelmed, I don't know where to begin."
Do you know what causes overwhelm? Having too many great ideas and not enough structure to help organize them. It also comes from not knowing how to say NO and wanting to say YES to too many things because it feels like shutting doors to a world of possibilities. This bootcamp is designed to help you learn how to structure your content as well as focus your mind on a set of solutions you can stand at a time with positive, mindful intention.
"I'm not tech-savvy. I can't do this."
Great news. If you know how to: Click a mouse, drag and drop, select a photo, write an email, put up a FB post, take a selfie, do a Google search, fill out a form, record a video, read the headlines, you've got the skills to work with the tools to build your own academy! With the guidance you'll receive and the technical support available to you, you'll be able to get your own academy up and running with pride!
"I don't have the time or money."
As a recent client, Tom Shepard of Currency Camp, shared with me while developing his academy, we trade our time and money every day for the things we long to have in our lives. The question isn't if you have the time or money, the question is whether you want to invest both in this dream you have to broaden your reach, extend your expertise, tap your wisdom and make a difference that leads to greater prosperity and sense of purpose. Only you can answer that. Only you can decide if your dream is worth it. I believe it is -- because you're here! Reading this. Right now. You're already trading your time to begin to make this dream come true!
What's included...
What we'll cover...
The Line up...
Meet the instructor
Since the mid 90's, I've been designing learning solutions for national and global organizations, working shoulder-to-shoulder with thought-leaders, consultants and coaches who make this world a better place. My whole career has been dedicated to two loves: Watching and harnessing the transformational ah-ha! That moment when we feel and know we and/or those we work with are forever changed and inspired. And, leveraging learning technologies to catalyze change. I'm so excited to bring you this program and invite you to join īLAs Global Community of transformational eduprenuers.
I can't wait to meet and work with you!
I can't wait to meet and work with you!