Getting Lift: 
Monthly Marketing Support

Take your sites to new heights!

& Goals 

Getting Lift is designed to support your business goals and ensure your sites reach new heights by providing exceptional monthly marketing support. Our services are designed to address the unique challenges and opportunities presented at each stage of your business growth.

Services Provided 

  • Introduce SEO content and best practices to your parent business website and online academy to optimize search engine ranking over the next 6 months.
  • Create and maintain daily social media posting on Facebook and LInkedIN for your online academy.
  • Monitor participant involvement in your online academy programs and provide monthly reports of participant use/access.
  • Update existing courses on your online academy.
  • Provide monthly reports of activity related to SEO and social media efforts.
  • Interface with other businesses seeking to partner with your business and make recommendations regarding best ways to present this on your online academy. 
  • Triage website traffic and user issues as they arise on both websites.
  • Pay monthly fees to LearnWorlds platform.
  • Pay monthly fees to Articulate 360, in which your online programs may be designed if produced by īLA.
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